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Financial Aid


Lack of funding is one of the primary reasons that students don’t go to college. Do NOT let this be your reason! Grants and scholarships may be available. It will take some time and effort to search sites, complete forms, gather recommendations and transcripts. Financial Aid is available for those that qualify.

All students should complete the FAFSA (Free Application For Federal Student Aid). The FAFSA is a FREE application. You should never pay for completing the application. Indiana’s deadline is April 15 of the student’s senior year. The deadline is NOT flexible! On-line completion is encouraged at

It is important to complete the FAFSA every year. Even if you are unsure about going to college, still complete your information for financial aid. It does not hurt and can help you make the right decision about attending. If your home high school does not offer a FAFSA Completion night, please stop in at the Career Center office for Assistance.

To receive additional assistance in completing your financial aid, please attend your school’s FAFSA Night.

College Goal Sunday is an excellent program to receive assistance for completing the FAFSA For more information please visit:

Helpful Websites:


Answers to frequently asked questions:

Step-by-Step Guide:

Calculate Your College Costs:

Plan, Prepare, and pay for college:

Scholarship Information: